• 90年代醇香老散茶

🇲🇾唐宋茶色 - 90年代醇香老散茶 -- 陈年普洱熟茶 Tasho - 90s High-quality Pu-erh Tea

Regular price
RM 218.00
Sale price
RM 218.00
Regular price
RM 298.00

🍵90年代醇香老散茶🍵 90s High-quality Pu'er Black Tea

🌿茶叶重量/Weight of tea leaves: 120g

🌟特色: 选用优质成熟普洱叶片特制养生普洱,茶性温和甘甜。茶味清雅爽滑,刺激性弱。

🌟功效: 疏通血管,暖胃护胃,改善虚寒体质,加强血液循环,具有改善尿酸,痛风,血糖与便秘功效。


🔥Features:  Select high-quality mature Pu'er leaves specially made for good health, the tea is mild and sweet.  The tea taste is elegant and smooth, and the irritation is weak.

🔥Effects:  Dredge blood vessels, warm the stomach and protect the stomach, improve the constitution of deficiency and cold, strengthen blood circulation, and improve uric acid, gout, blood sugar and constipation.

🔥Storage method:  Moisture-proof, light-proof, odor-proof