在对普洱茶的抗癌作用进行了十多年的研究发现,普洱茶杀癌细胞的作用最为强烈。甚至常人喝茶百分之一的浓度就有明显作用。研究还发现普洱茶有抗基因突变作用,也就是防癌功效。 渥堆加工后的普洱茶所含有的多种稀有物质,都是重要的抗癌主要成分,在饮用过程中协同产生了药疗保健的效果。除此之外,普洱茶对降胆固醇、降血压、降血脂、减体重、防动脉硬化、防治冠心病等都有明显的功效。 普洱茶还能预防糖尿病、除口臭、抗辐射、减轻重金属毒害、利尿、健齿护齿、消炎杀菌、护胃养胃、抗衰老等。这和普洱茶丰富的内含物质经渥堆加工后所形成的多种微生物、氧化物质和微量元素无不相关。而 β-胡萝卜素、维生素B1、B2、C、E等更是重要的抗癌物质。普洱茶许多的功效还带证实,我们不妨拭目以待! After more than a decade of research on the anti-cancer effects of Pu'er tea, it has been found that Pu'er tea has the strongest effect in killing cancer cells. Even a concentration of one percent of tea consumed by an ordinary person has a significant effect. Research has also found that Pu'er tea has an anti-gene mutation effect, that is, an anti-cancer effect. The various rare substances contained in the fermented Pu'er tea are important anti-cancer components, which synergistically produce medicinal and health effects during the drinking process. In addition, Pu'er tea has significant effects on reducing cholesterol, blood pressure, blood lipid, body weight, preventing arteriosclerosis, and preventing and treating coronary heart disease. Pu'er tea can also prevent diabetes, eliminate bad breath, resist radiation, reduce heavy metal poisoning, promote diuresis, protect and strengthen teeth, have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, protect and nourish the stomach, and resist aging. These are all related to the various microorganisms, oxidants, and trace elements formed by the rich substances in Pu'er tea after fermentation. β-carotene, vitamin B1, B2, C, E, and other important anti-cancer substances are also present in Pu'er tea. Many of the health benefits of Pu'er tea have been confirmed and we can look forward to more research in the future!


法国国家健康与医学研究学院在1987年的研究报告中证实云南普洱沱茶可降低人体血脂的含量,因此获得联邦德国杜塞尔多夫第10届国际食品节国际优秀食品金冠奖。The French National Institute of Health and Medical Research confirmed in a 1987 research report that Yunnan Pu-erh tea can lower the level of blood lipids in the human body, and therefore won the International Excellent Food Gold Crown Award at the 10th International Food Festival in Dusseldorf, Germany.