配合農曆八月節令,馬六甲唐宋普洱茶藝館舉辦“甲午年中秋佳節·琴筝雅韵”雅聚。雅聚日期為9月16日(星期二),時間為晚間7時至9時,地點位於本茶館一楼。 古琴及古筝是中華民族历史印记的文化艺术,很多人对古筝和古琴都带着同一个問题那就是古琴和古筝一样吗?它們都有哪些特點? 為了讓大家更深入的了解,我们特别邀請了青年古箏演奏家,中國北京音樂學院古筝專業碩士張雲翔為我們讲解古琴和古筝的知識。 張雲翔多年來曾為馬來西亞駐北京大使館、馬來西亞留學北京學生會演出;在校期間多次参加中國音樂學院室内民族樂团的演出活動,并為北京中央电視臺录音、录像,曾為馬來西亞电視劇《女頭家》录制插曲配樂。當天活動會有古琴和古筝現場演奏,以讓大家能够更清楚的了解琴与筝之間的不同之處。 本館於活动進行之際備以普洱茶與月餅招待,讓来賓在茶香四溢之際邊了解,邊聽古琴和古筝的音律之美,以讓大家提升生活品味與精神成長。 In conjunction with the lunar August festival, the Malacca Tasho Tea Art Centre held a "Elegant Melody of Qin and Zheng for the Mid-Autumn Festival in the Year of the Horse" gathering. The gathering took place on September 16 (Tuesday) from 7:00 to 9:00 pm on the first floor of the tea house. The guqin and guzheng are cultural arts that represent the historical imprint of the Chinese nation. Many people have the same question about guqin and guzheng, which is whether they are the same or not, and what are their characteristics? To deepen everyone's understanding, we have invited a young guzheng player, Zhang Yun Xiang, who holds a Master's degree in guzheng from the Beijing Music Conservatory, to explain the knowledge of guqin and guzheng for us. Over the years, Zhang Yun Xiang has performed for the Malaysian Embassy in Beijing, the Malaysian Student Association in Beijing, and participated in performances by the Chinese Music Conservatory's chamber ethnic music group. Zhang has also recorded music for the Malaysian TV drama "Female Head of the House" for Malaysian television, and will perform live on the guqin and guzheng during the event to help everyone better understand the differences between the two instruments. During the event, Pu-erh tea and mooncakes were served to guests so they could learn while enjoying the tea aroma and beautiful music of guqin and guzheng. This would help everyone to enhance their quality of life and spiritual growth.