野放型茶林是一种生态友好型的茶叶生产模式。它没有大规模的修剪和人工干预,让茶树自然生长,同时遵循自然循环和生态平衡的原则,使茶树生长在原生态环境下。 通过这种生产模式生产的茶叶不仅保持了其天然的口感和香味,而且还具有一定的保健功效,是一种高品质、健康、环保的茶叶产品。 Wild tea plantation is an eco-friendly tea production model. It does not carry out large-scale pruning and human intervention, allows tea trees to grow naturally, and follows the principles of natural circulation and ecological balance, making tea trees grow in their original ecological environment. Tea produced by this production model not only maintains its natural taste and aroma but also has certain health benefits. It is a high-quality, healthy, and environmentally friendly tea product.

普洱熟茶的制作工艺是经过鲜叶采摘、杀青、揉捻、毛茶干燥、渥堆、蒸压与干燥、压制成饼。The production process of Pu-erh tea involves picking fresh tea leaves, withering, rolling, drying, piling, steaming and drying the tea into compressed tea cakes.