马六甲唐宋普洱茶艺馆于2013年11月30日至12月8日举办了艺术画家吴惠琴创意制作 “佛教沉香艺术画”慈善义卖展。由随缘小筑主办,唐宋普洱茶艺馆协办。此义卖活动主要为《随缘小筑》修复寺院基金及常年供斋流动基金筹款。画展地点:唐宋普洱茶艺馆一楼展示厅,展出时间为早上10时至晚上7时。义卖会邀请了新加坡视觉艺术学校前校长林志彬教授做美术顾问及主持开幕典礼。开幕当天也准备了茶点及生态普洱与大众结缘。 The Malacca Tasho Tea Art Centre held a charity art exhibition featuring the creative works of artist Wu Huiqin titled "Buddhist Agarwood Art Painting" from November 30th to December 8th, 2013. The event was organized by Sui Yuan Xiaozhu and co-organized by the Tasho Tea Art Centre. The main purpose of the charity event was to raise funds for the restoration of temple funds and the annual supply of food for the temple. The exhibition was held in the first-floor exhibition hall of the Tasho Tea Art Centre, from 10am to 7pm daily. The opening ceremony was presided over by Professor Lin Zhibin, former principal of the Singapore School of Visual Arts, who was invited as the art consultant. Tea and eco-friendly Pu-erh were also provided for visitors to enjoy.